
How Often Air Filter Change

People with allergies or asthma often suffer from these weather due to air pollution. To exhale better, they have a simple yet expensive device – the air purifier. But this is not enough – they also demand to change filters regularly.

There are several kinds of air purifiers, and each 1 needs a different type of filter that can hands be replaced. The nearly mutual ones are Pre-Filters, HEPA filters or Activated Carbon Filters. The latter absorbs gases and odors by using agile carbon granules that trap chemicals inside its mass. Information technology has two stages of filtration: primary and secondary. A fine particle filter (1st phase) removes larger airborne particles such as dust, pollen and pet dander from the air. The true HEPA filter (second stage) purifies the air that passes through it, trapping 99.9% of particles downwardly to 0.3 microns in size.

The frequency of changing a filter varies from ane air purifier model to another and depends on the volume of pollutants inside your home or office. If you lot suffer from allergies or asthma, you should get new filters every 3 to 6 months (for HEPA filters) and alter Pre-filters more than ofttimes. Otherwise, if no one has such issues merely still wishes to breathe cleaner air, it would exist amend to do routine filter changes once or twice per yr.

Bad quality filters not but neglect to clean the air spread contaminants back into your house. If yous've been using a filter for a long time and the air quality hasn't improved, it should be replaced immediately.

Related Post: How Long Does Information technology Take An Air Purifier To Clean?


  • Filter Replacement Schedule
    • HEPA filter
    • Carbon/Aroma remover
    • Pre-filter

Filter Replacement Schedule

Our guide will help you to acquire how to use the best air purifier filters for your home.

HEPA filter

Change every 6-12 months or when you begin to discover a decrease in the purifier's operation.

Carbon/Smell remover

Replacing filters on purifiers paired with these types of filters is unnecessary since carbon granules lose their chemic properties after some fourth dimension. Withal, if they are pre-filters, then information technology'due south recommended to change them monthly or when they are one-half-filled with dirt.


Depending on the size of the particles in your house, attempt to supercede this filter once every 1-3 months.

To summarize:

  • The more oftentimes you use your air purifier, the more frequently you need to alter its filter.
  • If someone in your firm suffers from allergies or asthma, information technology's recommended to replace filters every two months on average.
  • Also, if you lot wish for a pure air environment and at that place aren't a lot of pollutants effectually, change your filter once per year.

About Maria A. Davis

Hi, I am Maria A. Davis and I am a loving mother and a dedicated reviewer for I tried and tested a number of air purifiers and humidifiers on the market place to amend indoor air quality. I created this guide from my knowledge and personal experience then you can meliorate the air quality in your home and office.

How Often Air Filter Change,


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